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2000-12-18 15:16:11

Okay, so I�m in a bit better of a mood than this morning. I was a bit too bitter at 6:30 a.m. getting that message. As you could imagine, no matter how patient and understanding a person is, getting a nasty, and what I think as uncalled for, message tends to grate on a person�s nerves. But, since the email responses (thanks!) and talking to some co-workers, they all feel I had the right to be upset at it.

So I get my second Christmas present today! YAY! Normally, I like to hold my gifts until Christmas, but I knew one was a decoration, and that would be little use after Christmas, and then if they are close friends, we open them together. So I�m off to Dianne�s tonight to exchange presents under the glow of her tree with her cute puppy Abbey.

Haha. I just got off the phone with a lady. She told me sternly that she never, ever wanted our paper delivered to her house again (we�re the free paper). So, not caring (as I normally don�t when I�ve had a rough day) I took her name, address, phone number and such. Then I thought, �Gee, I should ask her why,� even though I really didn�t care. Enough people call and tell us how much they like the paper, I�m not worried about losing one reader (I suppose I should be, but I�m honest � I don�t care). So, she told me she was deeply offended by the picture of the dead deer. Now, we don�t run gross photos, I saw the pic before it went in, and it didn�t bother me � no blood, no bullet hole � and I thought, �where have you been?� That�s the third dead animal photo we�ve run this year. You see, we have a hunting columnist � this is a hunting community � so if he gets a nice photo we run it. First complaint we�ve had. But, as I didn�t care, I said, �Oh, the one with our hunting column? Okay, I�ll let the general manager know.� Oh well, one reader not liking something as opposed to the rest of our readers liking it means that we�ll still run the photos; they�re tasteful.

So, there. That�s my story. I�m in a much better mood, if I can ignore this throbbing headache. And, since the paper is about half of what it usually is (Christmas week is always slow) then I will be going home soon. Yay!

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