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2003-09-26 11:58 p.m.

Tomorrow Sarah is coming to visit. ROCK ON! I�m super pumped. I have plans. They include hiking, yoga, Finnish pancakes, and Guinness. Of course, not all together. Gross.

My boss was away for two days. I think that explains my super happy mood! Yesterday and today rocked a lot. I even *gasp* wore jeans to work today. It was fun.

I�ve found out that I really like dried pineapple. Yup. Really lots.

I didn�t drink much of anything today, so tonight I�ve been super thirsty. I�ve had lots of tea and water. Ya, good idea Marla. Drink lots. Right before bed. Genius.

I should be in bed. I�m running tomorrow morning at 6:30 a.m. My solace is that I�ll be back in bed by 8 a.m. =) Yay bed! After I wake up for the second time it�s Bulk Zone time. Every Saturday, my friend and I go to the bulk store and get ridiculously small amounts of candy and chocolate. I don�t want to ruin my weight loss, but I don�t believe in not having yummies. So, we go and pick out a few pieces of our favourite things and enjoy them immensely. I love Bulk Zone time. It�s also Cake Day. Once every two months we get to go somewhere and have cake. Well, we always go to Seattle Coffee House. Their cakes rock. We don�t drop Bulk Zone time on Cake Day. We still feel we deserve our candy!

Okay, so after Bulk Zoning it, I�ll be mailing some freakishly heavy pictures (for on your wall) to my friend in Toronto. She sent me up a blank cheque to pay for the thing. Heh, blank cheque. How cool is that?

After that, I must tidy a bit before Sarah comes. Then we�ll pick her up and go for dinner. I�m thinking Madhouse because it�s a fairly groovy place that I don�t think is a chain restaurant. I want something original.

Okay, bed time.

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