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2004-06-06 11:20 p.m.

I have had a fantastic weekend. I really, really have. Friday at work sucked on soooo many level, I really don�t want to get into it. A brief synopsis is that I got yelled at by someone I don�t know for something that was only half my fault, I had more work than I could do in a day (my boss even agreed that there was too much to do) and by 2 p.m. I had decided that I didn�t even want to go see Harry Potter at the movies that night.

Needless to say, I did go see it and it rocked. I had a great time. I went with a work-related friend who I have never gone out with before, and we had a wicked good time. After the movie, we went to a pub and talked until 12:30 a.m.

Yesterday, I had a meeting at 10 a.m., which made me walk for 10k. That was good, as I had no other plans for exercise. Then I took a three-hour nap! Yay nap.

Today, I went for my first 10k run of the season, went to a Team Diabetes meeting, did lots of laundry, did my dishes, cleaned my bedroom, and fed my friend�s cats. While I was hangin� out with my friend�s cats, I watched the national spelling bee. Man, those pesky 13-year-olds sure do make me feel stupid. But, I was so on the edge of my seat watching these hella smart kids rock my spelling world. They rock. Now, I am now getting ready to do some reading before bed. I�ve decided to re-read HP4 before I move on to my next novel. Yay!

I love weekends that rock.

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