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2004-11-21 11:40 p.m.

I had to work tonight. Yup, a Sunday night. I had to go to the hospital to set up our display for a press conference. I was less than happy about this, especially as I felt sick all day. In fact, I didn�t get dressed until 5 p.m. I slept most of the day, and was so not in the mood to work.

When we got there, it turned out that no one had set up the 70 chairs needed for the event. So, the hospital lady who was working on this project with us and I moved a couple dozen tables, set up the chairs, then put our displays up. It was actually quite a work out. I was glad that my boss lady left after 15 minutes. I wouldn�t have been able to deal with it if she was there. I was too tired.

This event has been stressful for a number of reasons, and I will be very happy when tomorrow at noon it�s all over.

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