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2005-10-16 8:05 p.m.

I have three exams in the next week and a half. I'm not too pumped about it. Notice how hard I'm studying. Ya, I'm a rock star.

I bought a buncha new clothing for winter - two pairs of dress pants, two sweaters, and a skirt. I didn't want to buy them, but I've been freezing in the clothing I have, so I had to get them. I was going to wait and put it on my Christmas list, but it's hard to buy me clothing.

I've already bought two presents for Christmas. Yay me! I'm containing myself from buying Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (which comes out on DVD on Nov. 8) because I told me sister that I would wait until Christmas. That's restraint, baby.

Speaking of baby, I get to meet my sister�s new in-tummy baby this Christmas. The Little One is due in February. What a great months to be born! =)

I saw a for real, alive Black Widow spider the other day. Too cool. It had the red hour glass on its belly and everything. It came into town in a shipment of fruit from California and the health unit gave it to one of our bug professors to kill and I�m guessing keep the body for his bug collection. I laughed at him because he had it in a jar with holes in it, and when I pointed that out he said �Well, I need to show her to a few people before I put her to sleep.� He was very cute about it.

Well, that�s about all that�s happened to me in the past few eons since I last updated.

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