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2002-05-29 11:41 a.m.

Well, things are pretty good here as of late. The weekend was a bust, having to work the whole thing, but I did get yesterday and Monday off in return. And on these days, I went shopping. I bought me some swanky new pants, two pairs of shorts and some sweet new boxing gloves � guaranteed to pack a better punch!

My friend from waaay down south is buying me a belated birthday present � some personal training sessions with my boxing coach. Oh yeah, look at Marla go! WooHoo! I�m just a punching machine, I tell ya. I�m excited about this training, but I�m also nervous� This is a man I HAVE to impress. Don�t ask me why, I just do.

Okay, so that�s all the interesting stuff I have to say. Now for the boring stuff:

� I still have an ear ache � eight days and counting� I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow.

� My bras so do not fit anymore! There is NO support for these babies any more!

� The water I�m drinking is kinda warm. That�s really gross.

� I have two apples for today�a red one and a green one.

� I have six nasty blisters from my new sandles. They�re really cute (the sandles, not the blisters). Vanity is painful.

� I have a fax coming through as I type.

� I just checked the fax; it�s not for me.

� The local ice cream parlor is open� Sweet! Pity I�ve cut down on my dairy intake� Still, one cone, what�s the damage?

Hmm.. this whole entry was boring. Oh well.

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