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2003-02-11 1:38 p.m.

I completely cleaned my place last night. After going out for beer with my friend who is leaving the city (well, left today, which makes me so very sad), I cleaned and pack up stuff to give away until 3:30 a.m. Then I slept until 6 a.m. and got up again. My friend asked me to take care of some of her stuff until April, and since I have an extra bedroom now, I thought �Why not?� and told her sure. So, I have a nice little reading room all set up now. I also cleaned out my fridge. Wow, was all that food my roommates? I have a packet of tofu, two yogurts, some cheese and that�s it, baby!

The funniest fridge contents I saw was my friend�s, the one who left today. I opened up her fridge, and there, all together on one shelf, was a brick of cheese, a beer and a pack of smokes. That�s it � the diet of a runner!

So, ya, what was I saying? Oh, so I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. Crap going on a work, crap going on with my roommate and a friend leaving town. A little more than I can handle in the span of two days. So, clean and cry, clean and cry. How fun is that?

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