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2001-09-10 5:23 p.m.

Well, a lot has happened in the past few months, but I�m really not in the mood to write about that now. I will, I promise. But, for now, I just feel like writing about my day and getting my diaryland feet wet again.

Today was a goodish day. I worked, and have decided that thus far, I like my new job. My bosses (well, the two other ladies in the Communications department who both have more seniority, hence bosses) are super-sweet and understanding, and � what�s best � both think I�m a God-send. I�ve never had a job where I�ve felt appreciated before. While I worked at the weekly paper before they jerked me around they never really said in any way, shape or form �You�re really appreciated around here.� And really, I knew I wasn�t, but I liked reporting and I was proud of the paper we produced. Then they moved me into a situation where I was still called the Editor, but my job was not editing or reporting, but rather data entry. It was a blow and I no longer cared if I were appreciated � but I know I wasn�t. Now, my boss lady keeps telling me she�s so glad I�m working for her and even today she said, �Thanks Marla� for the work I did. Um, you�re welcome� I did get paid, didn�t I? =) Really, I think I love my job. I�m not ready to say, �I love my job� and sing it from the mountain top yet, I�ll just wait and see before I make the final decision. But, so far so good.

And classes. I�ve had two so far. Oh, for those of you who don�t know, I�m majoring in English and with a minor in Law and Politics. My two classes so far were Major British Authors and Strategies of Writing. Well, seems I�m already going to fail Major British Authors =) Our first day in class � many people�s first university level class ever � and we have to sit down and write an analysis of a poem. Umm, excuse me, I�d like to learn how to do that before I�m graded on it please. I had no clue. I felt utterly and completely lost. I don�t know how to write an analysis yet. I felt as though I was the only person in the class who had no clue, but I�m sure there were others. I�ll know on Wednesday when she goes over it. The other class seemed cool. My prof, though, said that As are rare in his class and to not think we�re getting one. Well, buddy, I have news for you� I wholly intend to go through university on scholarships. Yes, there are lots of things I need to know, but I�m a fast learner.

Tonight�s class is going to be super-cool I think. It�s Criminology. I�m pretty happy about this one.

Okay, so another topic. I�m super-broke. I have no money. I hate that. I get paid from my old, crappy job sometime this week. Really, we get paid on Friday. But, I�ve asked for an advance. I hope I get it. OSAP doesn�t come in until sometime next week. I get my first pay cheque from this new job on Sept. 21 and I get paid for my freelance work (with a business newspaper) whenever they get around to sending me the cheque. I hope they�ve sent it already, because I�m starting to have some similarities with Mother Hubbard.

I�m getting a newish computer. It�s used, but new to me. I know someone who owns a home-based computer repair shop and she helped me get a deal. Sweet. I won�t be hooked up to the Net yet, or any time soon, because I have to see how the fundage goes. I hope I can get Internet, but will still update from the school like I am now.

I must go, so talk to you all later. Anyone can drop me a line ([email protected]) if they�d like.

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