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2003-01-31 9:13 a.m.

Sorry for the delay in entries... I've been very sick (103� yesterday). I'm not satying at work long today, just picking things up to take home with me. Thought I'd do a quick update:

-I'm sick, oh, I already told you that

-I have a new boyfriend (have I told you that too)

-I just found out that he may not be happy about my old tattoo, which makes me wonder about how he'll react to my new one I'm getting on Wednesday.

-I'm not willing to NOT get this tattoo for a boyfriend of one week

-He did, however, bring me flowers while I was at home sick

-I still want my tattoo

-This is truning into an entry, not a list of new things...

-I'm worried about my job, which, for some reason, needs to be re-opened to the public and I have to reapply because it's being changed from part time to full time.

-My new boss starts on Monday, this also has me worried

You know, for how rockin' 2003 has been, I've been pretty stressed out too. I kinda think that's part of the reason I'm so sick.


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