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2001-02-14 8:51:03

I�m procrastinating. I�m tired. I don�t seem to be getting any work done. Suppose this means I�ll be working late tonight. Maybe not. The paper is really small this week (only one section), I already have too much for it, and now I have to put in a couple of things from the TV station. It seems as thought their stuff is more important than the reporters� who work here. Look! I�m bitching about work. Who�d a thunk it? Marla. Bitching. About work. There�s a concept.

Well, I see my mood for the day. Actually, I have a number of things which will take me out of the office today, so that�s good. Hey, I just took a gander at the story list thingy and I have seven stories while she has two. Something�s not right with that picture. And, I have six of those stories to write today because I was off sick yesterday (which is why I didn�t email you , I wasn�t neglecting you . I could never neglect you . You�re my friend.). I�m not feeling any better, but I have work to do, and for some strange reason, I feel I should do the work I said I�d do at the beginning of the week.

Okay, to move away from work... I thought Sarah�s entry about the one best memory thing was interesting. I don�t know what memory I�d chose. There are many good memories. But the best? I don�t know. I remember the feeling of intense joy when my sister told me she was going to get married. However, I�m not sure that that moment wouldn�t be too intense to spend eternity feeling. It think I�d go more for a memory which had simplistic happiness and an overall feeling of content. Now, if I could only think of one.... Well, I know one, but it is a feeling I felt all alone (not that! Get your heads out of the gutter). It�s walking home from the lake at about six in the morning. It�s summer, there�s that quiet feeling which can only happen at that hour of the day. The grass is still glistening with dew. I�m feeling happy, content and secure. All these feelings stem from the fact that I just spend a night with my friends, with a bon fire, with some beer, with good tunes. We didn�t sleep, but that was okay. And, the reason I was walking home at six in the morning was most likely because I didn�t want my parents to be up when I got home. I smelled of fire and beer and I�m sure I looked awful. Those nights were fun (weren�t they ?) and the feeling of knowing I have great friends and that we always had good times was (and is) the best feeling in the world.

No, not all the links above were at those parties, but it doesn�t matter. They�re all great friends and I�m glad to have them. My on-line friends are great too, but right now I�m focusing on my in-life friends. Great, now I�m getting mushy.

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