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2003-09-10 9:22 p.m.

Everyone: "So, Marla, you've been busy at work lately."

Me: "Yes, yes I have."

Everyone: "Those student just run you off your feet, eh?"

Me: "Students? No. It's the faculty who are driving me nuts!"

Yup, it's September. And I think I need a new system to keep organized. Yesterday, I ended up taking lunch (really, I mean eating at my desk) at 3:15, and worked until after 5. Today, lunch was at my desk by 2:30, and I left after 5 again. This can't continue all year... Dear God, tell me it can't!

My classes started this week. I get to write a science fiction story for one. Any ideas on what I can write about? I'm so not feeling creative this week.

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