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2004-05-09 4:29 p.m.

My friend is taking care of a girl with Downs Syndrome. Yesterday, she wanted to take her and her eight-year-old sister to the park. (This is how awake I am: I just spelt sister: syster. Ya, I�m that cool.) So, she asked me to come along just in case they turned out to be a handful. It was actually fun. But, while we were there, a group of kids (ages 12 or 13) were playing there. Their game: Who Could Kick Their Shoe The Furthest. The would each kick one of their shoes of their feet in turn, and see which one landed the furthest away. Then they�d all walk over the wet grass in one shoe and one sock to retrieve their footwear and start all over again. Yup, this is what the youth in this city do for fun. I suppose it�s better than sniffing glue. Or perhaps it�s the result of sniffing glue. I�m not sure.

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