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2002-05-31 10:06 a.m.

So, tomorrow is the day. Tomorrow I start my new workout plan with my shiny new personal trainer. I�m nervous. I already know him, as he�s my boxing instructor, but that doesn�t make this any less nerve-racking. Wish me luck people!

I�m all not sad now. I�m glad, that was an awful week. I cried so hard one day, that I hurt my eye! I didn�t know that was possible, and now that I�m not sad, I find it incredibly funny! Who cries so hard they hurt their eye? I literally almost cried my eyes out! But I�m all better now.

I jogged for a whopping 38 minutes yesterday. That was super fun.

I found out yesterday that I�m an inch shorter than I thought I was. That was not fun. The nurse said, �You�re five foot, two inches and a half.� I looked at her, and said, �Measure me again.� She did, and said the same thing. I told her to measure me with my shoes on, and she said it doesn�t work that way. It was actually traumatic to find this out. I was always five foot, three inches and a half. Now I have to drop that. It�s not easy. I thought I was short before!

Anyone wanna help me stretch back that inch?

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