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2002-09-05 1:12 p.m.

I have amazingly little of interest to say. People can feel free to email me and keep me entertained.

I still haven�t gotten my new tattoo yet. I�ll have to get it soon, I need something to go home and annoy my mother with. She�ll shake her head and make that little tisk sound every daughter with a tattoo must know. She honestly thought my first tattoo was a stick on � until she tried to rub it off.

I start my new courses soon. I�ll be able to converse in French while discussing HTML and Psychology. How cool will that be? Okay, so me discussing anything in French will really be stretching it. I�ll be able to ask how you�re doing and such. However, I�m sure I�ll get some HTML know-how in my class (paid for by work, thank you very much) and Psych is just an intro course, so will be really easy. That�s what I�m looking for. Easy. School sucks in the best of times, working full-time is not the best of times.

In other news, my dad is now in New Zealand attending my aunt�s funeral. She was exactly 18 years older than he, sharing the same birthday.

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