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2003-07-15 12:04 p.m.

Oops. Didn�t mean to run a banner ad, then get all depressing on you. Sorry.

I�ll be more cheery tomorrow, I think. I�m going to visit my mom, dad and friends for the rest of the week and weekend.

Thanks for all the support guys. That�s really great.

A little bit later...

Alright, like today wasn�t sucking enough:

I went for lunch, and on my way back there was a truck blocking the side of the road I was walking on, and the street was too busy for me to walk out on, so I had to jump over the ditch to get onto the property beside the road. Well, we�ve had a lot of rain lately, and what looked like solid ground wasn�t. I ended up ankle-deep in mud, with mud splashed up my dress pants.

It would have been funny, except it wasn�t.

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