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2003-08-22 11:50 p.m.

This is from Faux Pas who got it from Jetbot

The Rules are (should you wish to play):

1. Leave a comment in my guestbook, saying you want to be interviewed.

2. I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.

3. You'll update your Web site with my five questions, and your five answers.

4. You'll include this explanation.

5. You'll ask five other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.

So, here goes!

1. Do you have any secret, weird or unusual talents, hobbies or collections that very few people know about?

Sadly, no. I�ve always fallen somewhat flat in this area. In fact, I think outwardly I�m a rather boring person; however, inwardly it�s a different story. So I guess I have a collection of interesting stories, but they�re all mine and they�re all in my head, so does that count? Probably not. I wish I did something cool, like collect hammers or be able to tie my shoes with my mind, but no.

2. If you could time travel, would you prefer to travel back in time, or into the future? Which year or decade would be your destination, and which place in the world (or universe) would you go, and why?

I�d go back a few hours and maybe not drink so much beer... =) Other than that, I�m not sure the past was a great place to be for women, and the future doesn�t much interest me either (I�m not sure I like where we�re heading), so I think I�d stay here. However, I would like to be some place else: I�d like to be on the coast of Newfoundland looking at an iceberg. I�d so love to see one for myself.

3. If you were on a therapy couch right now, what issue(s), problem(s) would you be wanting to delve into?

My severe lack of self-esteem � I think that�s where the most of my problems stem from. I�d also like to not be so bothered by people watching me do things like type or write or clean� had been getting in the way lately. (I just can�t bring myself to do certain things with others around watching.)

4. Other than a family member, who has been the most influential person in your life and why? (positive or negative)

Influential. Hmmm�. Positive: Probably my friend Holly for believing in me that I can box and run no matter what I�ve been told. The faith and confidence in my ability no matter what level of fitness I was at then really help steer me on this path of health. But honestly, all of my friends have had huge influences on who I am today.

Negative: Most everyone from high school!

5. If your life had a slogan or theme song, what would it be?

"Easy like Sunday morning" =D Kidding, I just think that�s clever, however, untrue... for me at least.

Umm, a slogan or theme song, eh? That honestly suits me... Hmm, this is hard. Actually, I think when I�m hyper the song Born to Bounce by Brooklyn Bounce suits me best.

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