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2002-09-12 4:07 p.m.

I�m popping Halls like they�re candy� Oh, wait, they are. Hmm� never mind then.

Work�s been rough the past couple of days, for reason�s I won�t go into right now. But, I think, dealing with this crap as I have and still not hating it, that I have found the right profession. Sweet deal. Today, however, royally sucked. I kinda got in trouble with the boss, but then again, he didn�t really get mad at me. I think this getting in trouble, yet not having him mad at me confirms that he likes me� See, he�s a hard man to work for in the best of times, if I screw up (which, for the record I didn�t, but I can�t really go into it, and didn�t with him because it was just not worth it) you�d think he�d yell�and he does yell at people, but not me, not yet (hey, that sounds like those PSA ads for not having sex, doesn�t it?). So, I think it�s all good.

Reading the above paragraph makes me think these Halls are laced with something� I�m going to go now.

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