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2003-01-06 9:15 a.m.

Well, my new work year is off to a grrreeaat start (as Tony the Tiger would say).

Started off this morning with a mild nose bleed. Yay. So, that made me a bit later to getting out the door. As I�m leaving (into a windchill of -20, I may add), I realize I do not have my keys. So, I go back to the table and look for them. Not there. Not on the floor around the table. Not on the counter. �Forget this,� I say to the cats. �I�m in no mood for this crap.� And I call my boss and leave a message telling her I�ve misplaced my keys and could she please open my door for me.

While those are only two crappy things, it IS only 9 a.m. Monday.

But, on the good side, I�m enjoying my morning coffee, and looking forward to my noon coffee and afternoon coffee.

Oooo, I start my first ever spinning class today. I�m pretty pumped about that. Kinda nervous too, as I�ve never done it before.

Hmm� guess I should go and work, or something like that.

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