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2001-01-16 8:10:43

I think I�m depressed today. Sue said I looked forlorn this morning. I said that I was just tired, and that could still be it. I�m tired. But usually, tired or not, this feeling is gone by now. So, to help brighten my mood I thought I�d edit Arthur Black�s column � this normally brings a smile to my face. He�s so sarcastic. And, for someone syndicated across the country, even into the states, you�d think he�d know a thing or two about grammar. He doesn�t. My biggest pet peeve with his grammar (and don�t get me wrong, my grammar isn�t the hottest, but it�s better than his) is that he puts that extra space after his periods. For essays this my be right, but not in Canadian Press standards. One space, that�s it. However, he�s not just a two space person after his periods, he seems to hit the space bar and then hang there for a moment, so there is three or four spaces.

Okay, back to my point. Reading Arthur Black did not cheer me up. My coffee�s not cheering me up, and anyone who knows my coffee relationship would realize that this is a big problem. Coffee almost always cheers me up. The fact that I had no email this morning didn�t help to cheer me up (I, like most others, love my email). The fact that it�s cold in here isn�t helping. I know, I�m a grump today, but I�m entitled to a little grumpiness now and again.

I have lots of work to do today. I don�t want to do any of it. I have two press conferences and a meeting to cover, plus I have to rearrange the freelance columnists schedule. None of our monthly columnists feel they have to stick to a plan, so this throws us off when laying out the paper. So, I�m writing up a schedule, giving it to everyone and saying, �If you can�t have your column in by this time every month, let me know within the next week. If I don�t hear from you, I�ll assume it�s fine. If I don�t get your column by the appointed time, it�s late and I don�t run it that month.� I don�t care how harsh it is, they take advantage of us and I�m sick of it. Columns are due the Tuesday at noon of the week it�s printed. I�m getting columns on Wednesday night, sometimes Thursday morning. I don�t really have the time to be editing some column then.

Well, I guess I�m done complaining.

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