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2005-02-24 11:09 a.m.

I�m a superstar.

Yesterday, I went to my night class to write the exam. I was one of the first few people done. I walked down the stairs to the examiners to hand in my sheets. The stairs are orange with a gold bar at the end for people to see where the stairs are. Handy things, those. The carpet where the prof stands is brownish in colour. As I stepped off the orange stairs on to the brownish carpet, I thought to myself: "I think there�s one more stair." Seemed odd to me that there�d be a brown stair with no gold thingy, but my brain thought it saw one, so I thought I could either ignore it and take a normal step and stumble a bit if there is a stair OR I could take it like it is a stair, and do that weird stumble if you think there�s a step and there�s not. You know what I�m talkin� about. Anyway, so I took it like there was a stair, which was good, because there was one.

However, there was also another stair, which I didn�t see at all. Next think I know, I�m throwing my exam papers at the examiner, my glasses are flying off my face, and I�m on the ground. In front of 150 other people. Normally, I�d be mortified, but really, I was just happy not to wrench my already sore back too much. I got up, put my glasses on, and said to the examiner, "I�m just so excited to be done," and hopped back up the stairs and out of the theatre.

So, anyway, as I was writing this exam, I was lamenting my decision to not attend class (the teacher is really annoying to listen to, so I find I either read my text or sleep in class - seriously, I can do that at home) and I might not have to cram so much if I just went to class. However, as I was leaving, I heard a classmate say to her friend: "The textbook is interesting, it�s just the way he teaches it -- awful!" I though, "Amen, sister." And decided that my cramming approach is much better than wasting precious free time sleeping in a lecture hall. We�ll see if I�m singing the same tune after I get my exam back =)

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