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2001-12-07 4:26 p.m.

I�m all happy because I just had a Front Page epiphany! I�ve been trying to revamp a Web site for my work, and really, who am I to do that? I�m no techie! I had very little actual Web experience. I did Web data entry before, but never site design� and that�s what they wanted from me. Well, I figured it all out, and the launch of my Web site will take place soon! I�m super-happy! Frames and all� Damn, I�m good.

I�m so addicted to these little oranges again� I�ve had five today and am finding it hard to resist having another!

My sister sent me this question thingy, so I�m posting it� I�d like to see you try to stop me! I think I�ve posted something like this before, but tough luck on you all =)

Favourite movies: Too many! Way too many.

Favourite books: Chrysalids; Cat's Eye; The Underpainter; The Wars

Favourite shows: The Simpsons; Buffy; Friday Night Fights

Favourite smells: Lilacs; coffee; oranges

Favourite flowers: Forget Me Nots

Favourite music groups: (right now) Tea Party; Radiohead

Favourite foods: was pasta, but can�t eat that now� Chicken stir fry is good

Favourite drinks: coffee; tea; water

Favourite colours: blues, greens and grays

Favourite sound: Cat's purring

Favourite season: Fall

Favourite subject: Philosophy (the prof makes it all worth it!)

Best thing I learned in school other than academic stuff: more self-confidence and that I really can accomplish something

Worst thing I learned in school other than academic stuff: not to trust

Most scary step I've ever taken in life: quitting the full-time TV/Paper job for a part-time job and school

Best step I've taken: quitting my full-time tv/paper job for this one and school.

If I could go back to university right now I'd take: Sociology� Oh, wait, I already am.

Best city I've ever lived in: in retrospect, Barrie

City I plan on moving to in the future: Toronto, or near there

Where I see myself in five years: working in Communications

Do I plan on having a family: depends on what happens. Won't mind if I do, won't mind if I don't.

What I wish I'd get going on: writing fiction (I�m still trying Heather

What I�m most proud of me for: Quitting smoking (10 months now) and losing 30 pounds� Oh, and taking up boxing. That scared me, and I�m so glad I went for it!

What direction I want my life to go: Same way it�s going, just further.

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