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2001-01-12 8:47:42

I�m going to play outside tomorrow. I�m really excited. There is this winter open house at a provincial park up here and the day, which according to the open house co-ordinatiors, will be fun-filled, including dog sledding, snowshoeing, skiing, snow sculpturing, igloo making, kite flying (in winter? Okay.) rescue demonstrations and hot chocolate. This all sounds fun to me. Sue�s a smart ass and is bringing her own snowshoes, but they will provide me with some. My only problem is my boots.

You see, in winter time I like to get pretty footwear, as I normally don�t ski, snowshoe or anything else like that. I make sure they�d be good walking boots (I love to walk) but other than that I call them my totally-impractical-yet-pretty boots. They�ve got a two inch heel and pointy toes. I like them. However, I will kill myself in them if I attempt any winter recreation in them. So Sue�s lending me her boots, keen on the chance to go out in those gawd-awful white-to-the-knees snowmobile boots. Now, the problem there, Sue�s a size 8 or 9, not sure which, but big feet all the same. I�m a size 7. Maybe. So, we�re going to put me into a bunch of wool socks and stuff the toes of the boots with cotton and see how well I walk in them. This should be amusing at the very least.

Next weekend I have something fun planned as well. There�s a dog sled race coming to town. I�m going to go take pics for the paper, Sue�s volunteering.

�But what about today?� I know you�re all asking. Today I plan on getting most of next week�s interviews done then plodding on home early so I can get some sleep. I�m mucho tired. I�d also like to go get my daddy�s birthday present done and mailed to him. Then I�d like to get a better German book. The one I have now is okay, but it doesn�t teach you the way to pronounce the letters, so we�re kinda guessing. I can just see my trip to Germany right now! I�d have a trail of laughing Germans behind me as I try to greet them all.

I�m very proud of myself this snowy morning. I�ve paid off many of my bills. And, even after I went shopping yesterday for food, I still have enough left of my pay to get the book, dad�s present and pay for my chiropractor. I�m happy.

Well, I�m going to go be productive, not that I want to, but for some odd reason my boss likes it if we work.

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